This is an action-packed comedy in fictional Oakton that follows the travails of Surly, a mischievous squirrel, and his rat friend Buddy, who plan a nut store heist of outrageous proportions and unwittingly find themselves embroiled in a much more complicated and hilarious adventure. Initial release: January 17, 2014 (USA) Director: Peter Lepeniotis Running time: 86 minutes Music composed by: Paul Intson Producers: Woo-Kyung Jung, Graham Moloy
The Nut Job 2014 Animated Movie Watch Online Free
This is an action-packed comedy in fictional Oakton that follows the travails of Surly, a mischievous squirrel, and his rat friend Buddy, who plan a nut store heist of outrageous proportions and unwittingly find themselves embroiled in a much more complicated and hilarious adventure. Initial release: January 17, 2014 (USA) Director: Peter Lepeniotis Running time: 86 minutes Music composed by: Paul Intson Producers: Woo-Kyung Jung, Graham Moloy
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